Saturday 30 October 2010

Good citizenship

Citizenship, its a word over heard in our life; that role model set for us to follow. In this article, good citizenship talks about the things in life that makes you a good citizen knowing what to do and when it should be done. Some people need something like this article to read so that they will be self-aware of the possibilities for the neglecting of morals and values in life. people shouldn't go around acting the way they want and not thinking about everything they do in their life and its negative and positive sides. This is exactly a lesson that should be taught to us at youth so we would learn how to react to the chemical reactions of life. Values and morals the important elements of life are exactly what was discussion in the article of good citizenship.

As designers, we have a very useful and powerful tool in between our hand the tool that will help us influence life of many other visually oriented people. Most designer in college were taught something wrong in their freshmen year; that design is a tool or talent that will help raise our economical status. They have been taught that corporate work is the road to success in this world. This is a big mistake to be taught to us because this the road to be an emotionless robot. It teaches you to ignore every concept of living you were raised upon and just do what you were told by the corporate companies. I believe in order to succeed you should have a strong believe that what you are doing is exactly what you want, and that it doesn't go into conflict with what you strongly belief in. You can not to do corporate work and still end up successful by doing what you love and showing your emotions in the piece of artwork, because people tend to like the human beings that have a strong stance in what they want, and not a machine in which the just do what they were asked. This is a huge issue because as a designer i would wish to go into a class and the professor would say as your project do what you want, what you wish and what you really believe would be a success. This is a huge inspiration to students for the professor to give them complete confidence that they have the ability to choose what they want and to work on it; this will make the create and invent outstanding ideas. Thats why values and morals are what you should never let go of because this is your finger print to the world to help identify you and what you really want forever.

In conclusion, good citizenship teaches a designer that he should defend what he truly believes in. The writer doesn't mean defend it having no respect to whom ever but defend it with respect to peoples emotion who believe opposite of what you do and thats a lesson for every deigned. Its not all about consumerism and materialism but it's about using the tool of art to get your message to the people you want but in a twisted way.

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