Saturday 30 October 2010

Timing is everything!!

Time is made of gold, or at least that’s what most people tend to say. Is it true or not, well personally I would say it is. Timing is the one thing that plays a major role in everyone’s life. Time is but a great weapon handed us in this world; its either we use it for our advantage or we let it destroy us.
The article discusses the importance of time, not by the meaning that it only for how you schedule your daily life; but its importance. It matters if you propose an idea at a certain time, than any time. For example like the issue of sphere magazine raised a huger issue because it was issued after the incidence of September 11. If it were issued before it would have probably not made the big fuss that it did, here the essence if time were of a great importance.  So it is something that everyone should keep in mind, that time does affect the issue, design or articles raised during a certain period of time.            
Also most designer prefer their agitation to be raised in historical books. I think it is because it is safer and would leave a huge trademark in the world and would give a stronger stance of the idea.
Third, I learned that if I ever did something and it didn’t get the popularity that I expect it doesn’t mean that its wrong or the way I did it was a mistake it just means its unpopular. You might do something and it might be the only right thing discussed in the same issue but it didn’t get the popularity you expected because of the time or place or maybe its not interesting to the people, so for that reason it didn’t get popular.
In conclusion, I learned that time is but of a great importance to everything you do in life and that it shouldn’t matter if something you did got the popularity or not. Personally, when I do something, I don’t do it so that someone would notice I just do it so that so that when I sleep at night I would be satisfied that I did something in this world; i.e. self satisfaction.

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